All referrals require an appointment.
With regards to test results, your Doctor’s policy is to ensure that their patients are notified for all results, even results that are deemed to be normal. During the consultation in which the tests are ordered, your Doctor will generally inform you about how the results will be delivered.
The nurses at Stepping Stones are also available between 12:00pm and 1:00pm, Monday to Friday, to answer any phone calls from patients wishing to inquire about their test results.
If you are awaiting results and you have not heard anything from Stepping Stones after 10 business days, please feel free to give us a call between 12:00pm and 1:00pm as one of our nurses will be available to follow up with your Doctor for you.
We kindly request that you do not smoke whilst at Stepping Stones, or anywhere in the garden, carpark or grounds - this is for the health and wellbeing of others.
Stepping Stones Medical Centre prides itself on providing quality facilities and services to your Doctor and Practitioners. If you experience any problems with our facilities or services, or wish to make a complaint, we want to hear about it. Usually this is best resolved face to face. Please contact us by telephoning our office manager or sending a letter or an email ( We take complaints seriously and will do our best to resolve them. If you are not happy about something, we need to know about it so we can make changes to avoid similar problems occurring in the future.
Alternatively, you can contact the Victorian Office of the Health Services Commissioner on 1300 582 113
Your health record is confidential. We do not share this without your consent in line with the National Privacy Principles (NPP) and the Privacy Act.
You have the right to access your personal health information (medical record) under legislation. Each request for health information needs to be in writing and Stepping Stones has a Request for Personal Information Form that will need to be completed and signed. Just give us a call if you need a form - you can pick it up from Stepping Stones or we can email / mail it out. Depending on the extent of the health information required, a small fee may be applicable. More detail on the potential fees can be found here - - Victorian Health Records Act
Our staff support your Doctor who is committed to giving their patients quality care and service. We assist in protecting your privacy and treat all patient information, including health and financial details, as private and confidential.
If you would like more information about our Privacy Policy, it can be accessed via the link below.
Please contact the Practice Manager, your Doctor or the reception staff at Stepping Stones if you have any questions relating to patient privacy.
Due to the confidential nature of patient information, communication with Stepping Stones by any means other than telephone is discouraged. If you would like more information about our Electronic Communications Policy, it can be accessed via the link below.
Electronic Communications Policy
Our practice information sheet provides information about our practice facilities and how to access your Doctor. It is also a useful way to keep abreast of current practice information or changes to your Doctor’s services.
The latest version of the Practice Information Sheet can be accessed via the link below…
Practice Information Sheet February 2025
Please refer to the Terms of Use via the link below…